Great Smoky Mtn NP Hiking Trip Report -- April 2001
Woke up in my bed and looked at my clock...4:22am. The alarm is
set for 4:30am, expecting a phone call around 4:15-4:30am from Scott, my
hiking partner who will be picking me up. The phone rings at 4:23am.,
Scott will be leaving Kokomo shortly. At 4:28am I hear my son's alarm
clock go off in his room and am a little surprised when I hear him turn
it off and show up in my bed within 10 seconds. I think it's the first
time he's ever woken up to an alarm. He's anxious to see me off on
my hiking trip! At 4:33am I get up, stretch, do some pushups to get
my blood flowing and get in the shower. After getting dressed I head
downstairs, Ian on my heals, to eat some breakfast and finalize my pack.
At 5:10am, I'm all set and still haven't seen Scott, but given the time of
his wake-up call, I might not see him for a few more minutes.
Ian is still awake and watching ESPN SportsCenter, his favorite TV show.
I keep and eye on him and an eye out for Scott driving thru the neighborhood.
Finally, at 5:33am, he shows and we're off in minutes. We stopped for
gas in Noblesville. Went to Indy planning on taking I-74 to Cincinnati,
but the ramp was closed and the next exit isn't for awhile. I decide
that we'll go thru Louisville instead. We cruse. Three miles
before the Ohio River we come to a stop on I-65, but it takes only a couple
minutes to get moving again. We take I-64 to Lexington, then I-75 south.
We stop in Berea for gas and pop. Jump back in and don't stop again
until a few miles east of Knoxville for some lunch at Wendy's. We eat
quickly and hit the road for the last leg to GSM NP. The mountains
come into view. It's past noon and warming up. As we approach
the Smokies on I-40 I spot snow, as expected, up high. We make a couple
false turns but make it to the Cosby "Ranger Station" a little after 1:00pm
(all times stated in EST, which is not the time zone of GSM NP). I
was lead to believe that we could buy real maps and talk to real people at
the Ranger Station, but all we see is a self-serve registration booth.
We're unsure, then realize that this must be the place. We register
and finalize our packs. Scott could barely fit his food and other junk
in his pack. At 2pm we start hiking..
We start up the trail, then turn back, looks like the wrong trail.
We get back to the parking lot and no, I think that was the right one.
Someone offers help and indicates that we must travel .4 miles up on Lower
Gap Trail beore Lower Cammerer splits off to the left. Everything
was surprisingly quiet at teh trailhead/campground. I bet only three
tents and three campers total. Probably 15 cars in the parking lot.
There is one party of 10 older people at the far end of the parking lot.
We see a few other couples, but I'm surprised how little traffic/people
we see for a campground and trailhead in the most visited NP in the US.
Back up the trail we see signs for Lower Gap and Nature trail, but are
really uncertain and stay on Lower Gap hoping to see a signed turnoff to
Lower Mt. Cammerer. Finally, we see the sign and head off to Gilliland
Creek campsite.
Scott complains some about his pack and I help adjust for a better fit.
The trails are wide and clear. Its probably about 60 degrees.
I'm in my new T-shirt, Scott's got two short sleeve shirts on. On
up hills I sweat pretty good. The trail goes up some at first, but a slow grade. After the first 1/2 mile or so it really levels off with
only periodic ups and downs. We pass thru a variety of forest types
and cross over a few streams. The water is flowing good, from the mountain
top snow melt, but not too much. We take a break after about 1.5 miles
to climb (without packs) a little extra spur trail to Sutton's Ridge that
beautifully overlooks both the valley and has some great views of the mountains
overhead. Physically we are doing well despite little sleep and decent
pack weights. We stop periodically to check maps or for water, but
don't snack or break without our packs. We round a point and I announce
to Scott that when we reach the creek we hear we'll break for a snack.
As we look down to the creek it looks really nice down on the valley floor...even
kind of flat, something we haven't seen much of since starting this morning.
Then I notice that we are looking at the campsite we'll be staying at tonight.
It's 4:12pm, just over 2 hours. My Trails Illustrated map shows the
campsite further along, by about 1.5 miles, but the park map, at 1/4 the
scale, looks more accurate. This means we just have further to hike
tomorrow...ouch! I guess the good news is we didn't kill ourselves
on day 1 and we can get to bed early. No one else is at this site and
no one shows up all night. We see absolutely no one on the trail all
day. We pick the best of the three lower campsites and start pitching
our tents. We feel some hunger...we never did snack. Before long
we had voted on Chicken ala King and had it going. We took our time
at everything. Scott spent time learning some tricks and tips and we
lounged as we prepared camp. Around 6pm dinner was ready and we ate.
Good stuff. I had a little hot chocolate and gorp after dinner.
Again, leasurely, we pumped water for tomorrow, cleaned up dishes and camp
and then hung the packs. They have a pully system with metal cables
to lift the packs away from the bears. Works nice. On the other
side, no latrine at this large, shared'd think a latrine would
minimize the impact of human waste. About 7:20pm we head to our tents
calling it an evening as it get's dark. By 6:30pm it had cooled considerably
to 50 degrees from a high of about 65 today. It was actually chilly.
Our campsite has a beautiful tumbling stream beside it, great for the sound.
We'd like to hit the trail early tomorrow morning. We have our 10
miles and 2400 feet of verticle gain in the first 5-6 miles. It shout
be a good test. Tomorrow night we should be staying at Cosby Knob Shelter...a
whole new experience for both of us.
Got up at 5:30am after a decent night of sleep. Scott said he slept
poorly. We woke up in the dark around 4:45am, but I fell back asleep
until 5:30. We took our time and didn't get out of there until 7:00am.
We at our breakfast bars on the trail after our start. We pushed
about 2 miles, one hour before stopping for our first break. That first
section was mostly uphill, but not real steep. We stayed along the ridge
slowly making our way uphill. We then put in another solid hour of
hiking after a 15 minute break. At 9:15am we made to the junction with
the AT. We took a 25 minute break before a 1500 foot vertical gain
over the next 2.3 miles. It was tough! We worked hard, but kept
up the pace. It was just consistently uphill. We passed 16 people
, 4 singles, one group of 4 and 4 groups of 2. We took the .6 mile
trail to Mt Cammerer Lookout. At 12:05pm we reached Mt. Cammerer. We
had it to ourselves the entire 1.5 hours. We ate, rested and just took
it easy getting ready for the 3.5 miles to Cosby Knob Shelter. You
climb for a bit after you rejoin the AT, but then level off for a mile or
so. We rested near Rocky Face Mtn around 3:05pm and then we went on
to the junction with Lower Gap Trail. It's .8 miles of steep uphill
to the shelter from the junction. We pull in right at 4pm. The
shelter has 9 spots taken and we squeeze into the last two slots. We
eat chicken teriyaki adn I ate a power bar that I skipped earlier and some
more gorp. Hung the food pack and laid down to write and chat with the
shelter people.
A long, hard day after yesterday's 10.5, 650 meter climb. We did over
13 miles with an initial climb of 300 meters. We were the first ones
from Cosby Knob shelter to hit the trail this morning. Neither Scott
nor I slept well. I'm not sure why, but I just couldn't get much sleep.
I'm speculating that the 11 hours in the sleeping bag just isn't normal
for my body. I was sweating so bad that I took off clothes at 1:00
am. Scott and I got up at 5:30am - he probably earlier - and got on
the trail by 6:15am, before half of the others were even up.
The trail started out uphill. Scott clearly wasn't feeling well and
we went real slow to Camel Gap. It took 1.5 hours to travel those 1.6
miles. We then had a 2.3 mile, 300 meter gain to Inadu Knob. It
just kept going. By the time we hit Inadu Knob we had seen 10 solos
and one group of three. There was a party of three at Inadu Knob (the
trail junction, anyway) daytripping looking for aircraft wreckage and another
party of three on their way to Cosby Knob Shelter. Scott and I had
a good rest there.
As soon as we started down Snake Den Trail we were passed by a couple going
out. We were still moving slowly, even though it was downhill. We
rested just before the Snake Den and Maddron Bald split. Then, just
after the break and before the split, I finished off a role of film so I
stopped at the intersection to re-film my camera, drop a shirt and drink
a little water. I told Scott to go ahead since he'd been going so slow.
Evidently the beef jerky he at at Inadu Knob kicked in because I was
moving fast and never managed to catch up. We passed a split up party
of four going from Otter Creek to Cosby Knob. They didn't look good.
Maddron Bald offered some good scenery off the top. It was covered
with rhododendrons, like most exposed ridges. Kind of curious if they
are native or not...seeing as how usually a species so dominant in a particular
landscape usually turns out to be non-native. About a quarter mile
from Otter Creek I finally found Scott stopped along the trail taking of
his layers. It was hot on Maddron Bald with the sun shining and the
lack of trees. We were now making good time going downhill continuously.
My feet started to hurt from the downhill tread. This trail was
excellent. Nice stream crossings, old growth trees, and just great
peacefulness in the land. We did the 6.0 mile Maddron Bald trail in
about 3 hours, including a 40 minute break to cool our hurting feet in an
ice cold side stream. Just after Albright Grove Trail, the last 1.7
miles were al downhill on an old road bed and Scott seemed to be running
downhill. We took a much needed lunch break at the intersection of
Gabes Mtn Trail.
Scott started the day out slow, feeling poorly, then kicked butt on the Maddron
Bald Trail. He led virtually the entire way and kept pushing me. There
were a few times when I wished he'd have slowed down, but I get something
out of being pushed.
I ate my bagel and peanut better for lunch and it tasted good. Scott
didn't eat anything, still not feeling all that good. Gabes Mtn Trail
is mostly uphill for the 2.5 miles or so to the campsite. I led the
entire way, occasionally slowing for Scott, who once again was hurting on
an uphill section of the trail. The last section was definitely trying...uphill
at the end of a long day.
Just when we thought we had another creek to cross and almost a mile to go,
we spot the campground below us. At 4:20pm we set down, rushing water.
Two other parties have setup so we go to the lowest sites. We
setup camp and then Scott wants to nap to see if he can shake his exhaustion/sickness.
Sounded good to me as well.
We get up around 6:15pm, cook dinner, filter water, cleanup and hang
our packs. It was over 70 degrees today and while its coolded down
a little, its still 56 degrees at 8:15pm. We both go in our tents around
8:00pm. The beautiful sound of rushing water just outside our tents
should help put us to sleep quickly.
Scott ate a hearty dose of Beef Stew. I didn't eat much but had all
but a spoonful of a desert of berries and chocolate. I even had a little
hot chocolate to wash everything down. We've seen nothing of the other
parties and had a great last evening in the park. Scott's definitely
feeling better. Tomorrow looks like four miles, mostly downhill. We'll
be sore, but ready to go.
The day started lazy. I slept good from 9:00pm until 3:00am and then
woke up about once per hour for five to ten minutes until 7:00am. I
laid in my bag until about 7:30am when I couldn't stand it any longer and
started getting up. I got up, went to the bathroom, took a couple pictures
and then got bored. About then Scott got up and we started leasurely
packing up on our last morning.
By 8:55am we had everything loaded and started up the hill to the trail.
The group right above us was still breaking camp while the one above the
trail was already gone. Our first goal was Hen Hallow Falls. We
speculated the distance at two miles. We had some gradual uphills until
we got closer to the falls when things definitely started downhill. We
stopped at the top of the falls looking for the trail while breaking. We
couldn't find a good trail down, but saw enough of the falls to find a way
down. Scott hiked pretty slow the first couple miles. His stomach
felt better, but his body wasn't totally into it yet. I was a little
surprised when we found the trial down, he decided to go down too. The
falls were nice. We took a couple pictures amongst the daytrippers
that had hiked up the two mile trail to the falls. We got a little
more water and started back up the hill to where we left our packs.
For some reason we decided to cruise out. We made the 2.1 miles in
about 45 minutes. Much of it was downhill. We passed some day
hikers who probably had 3-4 minutes on us.
We changed some clothes, dropped the cover to Scott's Jeep and hit the road
around 12:30pm. I had thought I'd lost my wallet for much of the trip,
but found it lying loosely in the back near Cincinnati - lucky it didn't
blow my Netscape hat near Knoxville. We stopped at the
first Wendy's...Scott's fantasy while on the trail. We also stopped
at a BK near Cincinnati. I drove home from that point, surprised at
how well the Jeep drove both top down and up. Got home at 8:35pm. Glad
I went, glad to be home again.
The Smokies are beautiful!!! Spring was great because the trees hadn't
filled out and we could see much more. We missed the six inches of
snow by just a couple days. Our weather was great...if not too warm.
Virtually no critters. The shelter thing, while glad to have
done it, doesn't really hold much appeal for me. I give breakfast bars
instead of a hot breakfast a thumbs up for speed. The new pack and
boots get thumbs up. The trail/route we picked was a great cross section,
but like Scott said, "the bottom is more scenic than the top". Great
waterfalls, better campsites down low. After awhile, the awesome views
from the top all looked alike. Scott was an excellent trail mate, pushing
me at time, definitely carrying his weight, remarkable for a first-timer.
While still not the Boundary Waters, I'm going back!
April 2001 Great Smoky Mtn Hiking Trip Site
Ahmoo Creek Home
Posted: 25-Sep-2001
Updated: 30-Apr-2007